Today I Feel in touch with the world

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2003-02-03 @ 3:47 p.m.
It's a magic kind of day

I have been redoing bead ordering lists all day. Trying to whittle down to the bare essentials of what I need to get ready for spring sales. Kind of an EEK! I need everything and of course the shop I sell in is on an oriental kick this year. She wanted Egyptian last year. My sis wore one of the new things she was playing with, a simple strand of bone and horn with a long coin from the Song dynasty and the shop owner went gagga over it. Well, there went the old ordering stragity. Time to rethink everything. But playing with the catalogs is fun. My sis came over with coffee and donuts and we watched a movie while we made a list of things to order. I always love getting shiny things in the mail.

Imbolc was on the second but can really be celebrated for a few more days. The Shuttle blowing up kind of depressed me and I didn't feel like going thru a ceremony for spring and the renewal of the earth at that moment. My son is 22 on the fifth of this month so we will probably go up to the lake. It isn't frozen any more and have a ceremony there which includes my thanks for the gift of having him as my son will have a lot of meaning for me. He has spina bifida and has undergone quite a few surgeries to get where he is now. A college student. At last.

Imbolc celebrates the Celtic Goddess Brigid. She was considered a goddess of fire, patroness of smithcraft, poetry and healing (especially the healing touch of midwifery). Christionized she became St.Brigit and this is now in some areas called Candlemas.

One of the things to do is leave a lighted (and protecetd) candle in every window to burn all night. Bringing light into the home for the spring.

For Travis birthday we will take some drums and other music makers to one of the lake shelters. Make a fire and warm some wassil(mostly seasoned apple juice with cream) and just have a nice open supper. with nature. I will light all the candles before we leave so when we return all the windows will shine like a welcome to us.

"Victorious Brigit,

Glory of kindred,

Heaven-King's sister,

Noble person,

Perilous oath,

Far-flung flame.

She has reached holy Heaven,

Gaeldom's foster-mother,

Support of strangers,

Spark of wisdom,

Daughter of Dubthach,

High-minded lady,

Victorious Brigit,

The living one of life.

The world is waking up and this is one of the more important celebrations on the Wheel of the Year.

I have to do some readings for my sister and then a friend later tonight or tomorrow if I can't find the time to do it right tonight. I thought I would include two teas I sometimes use before a reading to help ground, and get intouch with myself.

Here they are I use them when I can(when I have the time to prepare).


1 tablespoon China black, English breakfast, or Irish breakfast tea

2 teaspoons lemon balm

1 teaspoon eyebright

1 tablespoon mugwort

1 tablespoon rose hips


Psychic Tea

3 parts Rose Petals

2 parts Thyme

2 parts Yarrow

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Clove

Brew in boiling water for about ten minutes. Strain and add honey for taste if needed, do not add cream or milk. Use before divination psychic work, and astral travel to enhance the awareness.

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