It's so SUNNY outside. It's calling to me

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2003-07-25 @ 11:54 a.m.
the poem Moving Alone and fishing ramblings

A quick entry before I head back out for some more fishing and camping. We need enough salmon for a good load in the smoker. I love smoked salmon. Dale fixed my salmon pole so I want to try it out. I have to pick up some ammo for my hand gun too. I would like to do some target shooting while we are camping. It comes in handy if we try some Halibut fishing and have any success. Oh, I hope so!

Moving Alone

I am moving to another city
Lonely for someone
I can't recall or imagine

Excavated chamers of my heart just gather
Around me, like leaves in a doorway
At the start of the that season

When the daughter is kidnapped
And the earth loses everything
In revenge

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Older Entries
- - 2005-05-20
new responcibilites-did I spell that one right? - 2005-04-26
this weekends moons - 2004-09-17
Virgo Begins - 2004-08-21
A poem by: Edgar Poe's Cat and life in The House - 2004-08-17

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