Today I Feel Like I am in a Russian Winter

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2004-01-04 @ 12:38 p.m.
Winter and dogs and cats.

Well, every one is pretty cold the country round I expect. Ketchikan is pretty frozen at the momment too. Sigh!! I have no water. Second day in a row. The creek behind the house where we get our water in the winter is frozen solid. Its pretty but I do wish it would thaw a little. The salt water in front of my house is frozen too. That always makes the most interesting noise when the tides change. Lots of cracking and popping. There is hope of a few days thaw this coming week. I am hoping for enough that I can do some dishs, clothes and take a shower. I hate borrowing a shower at someone elses house. We ran out of oil for about a day before I could find the money for more oil. Belive me this place got really cold. But its warming up now.

It's also getting more crowded here. My niece is living with us now,Ashley. Her mother just decided she didn't want to live with her boyfriend and moved in. They both brought their dogs. One is a baby golden lab. Really cute and rolly polly. Wants to play with everything (cats) and in the cat litter. LOL. My Cats really hate the whole thing. I am thinking of getting baby gates to block off part of the house so the cats will still have some territory. Right now they are all sitting on the stairs up to my daughters room and glaring.

Just an update, nothing happening here. Too darn cold.

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