Today I Feel::Achy-Rain Again

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2003-04-20 @ 2:02 a.m.
Rhythm, All IS Rhythm (or I Shall Die of You)

A poem I wrote when my son was in the hospital.

I Shall Die of You

I shall die of you

my heart whispers
with every beat
as I tuck your favorite
stuffed toy into your
surgical crib and they take you away.

Sitting by your side
I shall die of you...
watching your chest rise
in time to all the monitor that beep with every beat of your heart
I begin to breath again
in rhythm, all is rhythm.

The stuffed toy in your
crib is watching me,
sitting a watch by your side.
I shall die of you...
watching your chest rise
in time to all the monitors that beep with every beat of your heart.
And I begin to breath again.

Rhythm, all is rhythm.
I shall die of you my heart whispers
with your hearts every beat
sitting by your side
Stroking your small hand.
All that I can reach

Rhythm, all is rhythm.

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Older Entries
- - 2005-05-20
new responcibilites-did I spell that one right? - 2005-04-26
this weekends moons - 2004-09-17
Virgo Begins - 2004-08-21
A poem by: Edgar Poe's Cat and life in The House - 2004-08-17

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