Today I Feel::A little bit lost

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2003-08-07 @ 1:18 p.m.
Son goes off to college

Sorry for the gap again. This time I wasn't too sick. (once or twice from stress I think) but from getting my son set up to leave home for the first time. A big move really. No easy return if it doesn't work out. I don't have the money to rescue him. Wish I did I wouldn't worry so much. Any way he go on a ferry for Bellingham yesterday with the two girls who will be his room mates. They will be going to the community college until they have residency and then the University of Washington. The ferry will take three days. They are takeing two kittens with them too. I hope it is an easy trip or those poor kittens are going to be pretty motion sick by the time they get there.

He finally got his license. Left that till the last min. like so many other things. I have been running errands like mad. Back and forth to town. Anyway it took three trys but he has a valid license now. Every one else had better look out. I mean, we only have two stop lights in the whole town here. It's going to be a bigggggg change. His biggest problem was parralel parking. He uses hand controls so its dicy getting used to them. I tried it and it isn't easy, but I have all that regular driving to get in the way and he doesn't. I am just going to worry for a few months. A mom's perogative I think. My mom probabley did the same thing when I went away to college.

It's hard to let go. He is my first. All those surgeries we waited through. Silently hoping and praying to my gods. He has Spina Bifida. But at 22 I hope he has learned enough to be safe. !Sigh! He's also the one that watched movies with me. We liked the same kind and read the same kind of books. My daughter is still like undiscovered country. I love her but don't speak the language very well. Of course she is 14 and starting high school so that may be part of it. We will see how we get along this coming year. Should be interesting, if one of us doesn't kill the other.

Well, all I can do is wait till he calls when they dock. Another big sigh. I hope this continues to be a big adventure for him. That is what life should be until you die.

Hey she washed the car. Hmmmm. Oh, yes, I know why. She wants to go for her Drivers Permit next week and wanted a better looking car. No more mold. LOL

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