Today I feel::Stressed over money, (not again!!!)

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2003-08-14 @ 5:55 p.m.
Haircuts, Dreams-the poem I Dream Of You

I took Stephanie in to have her hair cut today. Only two and a half weeks or so till the beginning of the school year. She's going to be a freshman this year. Her first plan is to jump up and down on "Senior Square" in the lunch room/chat with my friends room. Now the last one of the freshmen that did a boogie on it ended in a trash can. So I gave her this advice. Get your friends in on it and make sure the bell to your next class is just about to ring or better yet has rung, a and than be prepaired to live with eyes in the back of your head for a few weeks. Oh yes, and be very, very fast!! They Will Get You. It's the pride of the senior class and all thats at stake. Well, she always has to start things off with a BANG! Now back to the haircut. She had been growing it long. I loved it. So thick! So blond. So she died it with red(think fire engine red) on the ends last summer. (looked good too.) This year it was past the mid point of her back, when she finally had enough of trying to take care of it. So she had me put in two ponytail holders and I carefully cut in the middle of those, then shaped it up so it was just below her shoulders. Not bad but still SO thick. (I kept the hair)

Anyway, she finally decieded on a longish shag type of cut. Did not want to jinxe it so I didn't tell her that was the cut I had liked the best and used to have long agoe. LOL. She looks good in it and is happy with it. It's always so hard to tell if they (the teen) is going to like something. And to be truethful you can say "it's just hair, it will grow back" and you'll still feel like crying if it goes bad. I still remember that. Now I just keep mine long enough to sit on and generally get in the way. But I won't do anything but trim it. Probably because my mother always taught me that older (me) women should have nice short hair. A sign of maturity, of respectability. (what a giggle that is.)

Do you ever have a dream where you almost know the person up ahead of you? Something about their shape. Or be in a crowd and smell that certain perfume or cologne that that haunts you?

I dream of you

Je re've de toi.
I dream of you.

Some one I have never
seen. Face pressed to
my face. Our breath mingling
in and out.
Breath For Me.

Je re've de toi.
I dream of you.

Never having met you.
Step into my dreams. Stand
with me just to touch my hand
I Smell You

Je re've de toi.
I Dream of You.

The shape of you
haunts me always,
just alittle ahead.
Leading me around each courner with a whisper.
I Feel You.

Je re've de toi.

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new responcibilites-did I spell that one right? - 2005-04-26
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Virgo Begins - 2004-08-21
A poem by: Edgar Poe's Cat and life in The House - 2004-08-17

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